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I agree with逍遥. The UGAZ prices were between 50 and 72 late Dec and early this year. It started to drop after mid-January. I highly suggest that we buy at the support (3.77&3.7) and sell at resistance (3.85&3.92), and buy DGAZ when UGAZ is the highest (60+).See Table inside. (谈股论金)  469次阅读

作者: May Flower @, 发表于: 2016-12-29 (2725天前) @ 天涯逍遥

观看【May Flower】的博客

Date UGAZ Price Change% NG Price Change%
1/19/2016 42.750 -3.93% 2.091 -0.64%
1/15/2016 44.500 -5.82% 2.100 -1.82%
1/14/2016 47.250 -16.00% 2.139 -5.73%
1/13/2016 56.250 3.21% 2.269 0.53%
1/12/2016 54.500 -14.51% 2.257 -5.80%
1/11/2016 63.750 -12.07% 2.396 -3.07%
1/8/2016 72.500 11.54% 2.472 3.78%
1/7/2016 65.000 14.04% 2.382 5.07%
1/6/2016 57.000 -6.17% 2.267 -2.49%
1/5/2016 60.750 3.85% 2.325 -0.39%
1/4/2016 58.500 -4.10% 2.334 -0.13%
12/31/2015 61.000 8.93% 2.337 5.56%
12/30/2015 56.000 -9.31% 2.214 -6.66%
12/29/2015 61.750 7.39% 2.372 6.46%
12/28/2015 57.500 28.49% 2.228 9.81%


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