版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  

老师,请看这里Trading Window Periods. Investment by the Company’s directors, officers or employees in Company securities is encouraged, so long as such persons do not purchase or sell such securities in violation of this Insider Trading Policy. In furtherance of the goals underlying the Company’s Insider Trading Policy, the Company’s directors, officers (those required to make filings under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) and all employees at the Vice President level and above, as well as all employees in the accounting group are prohibited from buying or selling Company securities at all times, except during the period extending from the third (3rd) through the thirteenth (13th) business day following the release of the Company's earnings for the immediately preceding fiscal period to the public (the "Trading Window Period"). The prohibition on trading in Company securities by such persons at all times other than the Trading Window Period is designed to prevent any inadver (谈股论金)  584次阅读

作者: 月月 @, 发表于: 2017-04-04 (2726天前) @ 雅歌


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