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这股的暴涨是没道理的,主要是大部分(80%)的股集中在两位投资人身上,很容易造成Short Squeeze。 3 月份的零售业看来稍微有比2月份好一些。但是上周五显示零售业裁员3万人。
Year-to-date store closings are already outpacing those of 2008, when the last U.S. recession was raging, according to Credit Suisse Group AG analyst Christian Buss. About 2,880 have been announced so far this year, compared with 1,153 for this period of 2016, he said in a report. Extrapolating out to the full year, there could be 8,640 store closings in 2017, Buss said. That would be higher than the 2008 peak of about 6,200.
(谈股论金)  494次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2017-04-11 (2617天前) @ 月月


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