
电影卡萨布兰卡( 北非谍影)插曲 As Time Goes By (我是歌手)  4357次阅读

作者: Serena藕花深处 @, 发表于: 2018-12-12 (1953天前)
编辑: Serena藕花深处, 时间: 星期三, 十二月 12, 2018, 23:46


上次发现新大陆似地发现了英文歌曲Casablanca, 顺藤摸瓜找到了这首歌---40年代电影“北非谍影”插曲" As time goes by", 非常喜欢! 天天下班在公车上听,刚刚学囫囵了,趁热与大家分享!
不知道是不是到位, 名曲不好唱,先分享过瘾,丽桥提到这首歌有爵士风味,没有太让朋友失望就好!不管怎样, 英格丽褒曼的美照还是神秘而吸引人的! 这首歌欢迎跟风呵呵!
客栈精彩纷呈, 待周末好好补听大家佳作!

"As Time Goes By"

You must remember this:
A kiss is still a kiss,
A sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.

And when two lovers woo
They still say, "I love you."
On that you can rely,
No matter what the future brings.
As time goes by.

Moonlight and love songs: never out of date.
Hearts full of passion, jealousy and hate.
Woman needs man, and man must have his mate.
That no one can deny.

It's still the same old story.
A fight for love and glory.
A case of do-or-die.
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.



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