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external driver corruption fix,以后参考之用 (聊天灌水)  1899次阅读

作者: yy888 @, 发表于: 2015-09-11 (3303天前)


I was using my external driver. Everything seemed fine. I did not do anything improper. I do not recall any wrong doing on my part. Then I shut down the computer, the PC performed window updates. After I turned on the computer later, the external driver (My passport) only showed as a local drive, not My passort as a name. When I tried to open this local drive, it could not be opened and suggested reformat.

I searched google and found many suggested solutions. I have tried all of them, nothing worked.

Then I used this message to search in google again:

hard drive not accessible windows 8

I found one video suggesting doing this step. I followed this one and fixed the corruption of the external driver.

start / run
chkdsk /f G:(G:represents the drive you want to fix)
enter (the computer then run to fix the corrupted files of the external driver)

It worked.


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