
【Wonderful Tonight】(重新录制)火药味儿越来越浓,咱来点儿舒缓的。 (我是歌手)  3705次阅读

作者: 乐乐 @, 发表于: 2015-12-12 (3212天前)



第一次听这首曲子还是缘于那部经典美剧 Friends。Monica & Chandler戏剧化的订婚后,满屋烛光映照中的两人相拥起舞,背景音乐便是那吉他的浪漫旋律,瞬间感动得一塌糊涂。。。

这首歌是原唱Eric Clapton于1976年创作的曲目。当时他和他的女朋友,也是未来的妻子Pattie准备去赴一场晚宴,Pattie梳妆打扮期间,Eric就在等待中写出了这么浪漫动人的歌曲。有时候创作真的需要灵感。我想象着Pattie边照镜子边问Eric:"Do I look all right?",Eric给她以欣赏的目光,答:"Yes, you look wonderful tonight."赞美就是给自己心爱的女人最好的礼物。

It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear.
She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair.
And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?"
And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight."

We go to a party and everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady that's walking around with me.
And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"
And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."

I feel wonderful because I see
The love light in your eyes.
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize how much I love you.

It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head,
So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed.
And then I tell her, as I turn out the light,
I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight.
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."


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