【La isla bonita】--来首桑巴风情的 :) (我是歌手) 4227次阅读
La Isla Bonita (Live) | Alizee
La Isla Bonita
[Verse 1]
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song
A young girl with eyes like the desert
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
Tropical the island breeze, all of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be, la isla bonita
And when the samba played, the sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes, your Spanish lullaby
[Verse 2]
I fell in love with San Pedro
Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me
Te dijo te amo
I prayed that the days would last, they went so fast
Tropical the island breeze, all of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be, la isla bonita
And when the samba played, the sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes, your Spanish lullaby
I want to be where the sun warms the sky
When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by
Beautiful faces, no cares in this world
Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girl
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
[Chorus 2x]
Tropical the island breeze, all of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be, la isla bonita
And when the samba played, the sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes, your Spanish lullaby
Tropical the island breeze, all of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be, la isla bonita
And when the samba played, the sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes, your Spanish lullaby
la isla bonita
your Spanish lullaby
your Spanish lullaby
- 【La isla bonita】--来首桑巴风情的 :) - 小活, 2016-05-10
- 动感十足. 要是能配上视频肯定更棒! - 6歌, 2016-05-10
- 谢谢6歌,本来是想好好学学再配上视频,可是得赶紧练另外两首歌,就等着重唱时再说:) - 小活, 2016-05-10
- 这样的风格都会唱啊。。这什么语????感觉很性感还纯真,这简直太勾人啊。。后来说话是什么意思? - 小鱼儿, 2016-05-10
- 鱼儿啊,姐脸红了,英文发音有够烂!哈哈,勾着鱼没?最后一句是法语的谢谢:)) - 小活, 2016-05-10
- 哈哈哈我也很喜欢这首歌,也在to sing list上呢。小活的声音这次很猩感啊,典型的气音,吹气如兰的猩感呵呵呵。 - 我为诗歌狂, 2016-05-10
- 哈哈,谢谢狂狂,本来想好好练一个月,六月发,可我真是没耐心了:P学半年,以后重唱:))) - 小活, 2016-05-10
- 小活换风格了呀,好听好听,气声很迷人~~伴奏声偏小了有木有? - 风华, 2016-05-10
- 是啊,只有消音版伴奏,谢谢风华 - 小活, 2016-05-10
- 跟着这桑巴跳起来啊:))小活的气音好迷人啊,好想看你跳舞,啥时秀一下吧:))美女跳舞一定美极了:)))这首歌的节奏感掌握得棒棒的,乐感真是好! - 玉兰花开, 2016-05-10
- 哈哈,谢谢玉兰,还没学熟,真的是唱的小心翼翼的,但这歌的节奏我是真心喜欢。 - 小活, 2016-05-11
- 雾蒙蒙的热辣,,每个步调都是致命的诱惑 - 西门东瓜, 2016-05-10
- 哈哈,这个版本明快多了,唱麦的版本才会雾蒙蒙:) - 小活, 2016-05-11
- 小活节奏明快的桑巴唱得很迷人!再跳一个就不一般的迷人了! - 心声, 2016-05-10
- 看那个法国女孩的视频边唱边扭,真是好看:) - 小活, 2016-05-11
- 这是当年法兰西玉女偶像艾莉婕的经典之作,小活唱得很有味道~~等熟练以后再秀一段拉丁舞视频就太棒了:) - 爱酷70, 2016-05-11
- 哈哈,我打算唱熟了,配上这个法国妞的视频 :)) - 小活, 2016-05-12
- 来个真人秀拉丁,唱着歌扭动,这样的画面无所谓伴奏好不好了! - 山de夜雨, 2016-05-11
- 只有玉兰有真人视频秀的实力:) - 小活, 2016-05-12
- 小活唱的太好了,性感磁性,特别有味道,强烈要求你找个好伴奏重唱一版,配上你的拉丁舞,那绝对火爆!!!最后那句法语很有特色,喜欢极了! - 如苏, 2016-05-11
- 谢谢如苏喜欢,我也喜欢这节奏感明快的,好,争取找到好伴奏 :) - 小活, 2016-05-12
- 这个好,这个好!!我还记得第一次听这歌的时候还上大学呢,当时盯着Alizee的腰连续看了6边的MV。。。 - DiSEAse, 2016-05-11
- 别说男生了,我盯着她MV上的腰都盯了好久。:)) - 小活, 2016-05-12
- 唱出了小活骨子里的性感:)好听:) - 丽桥游子, 2016-05-11
- 谢谢丽桥,我骨子里只有感性。:) - 小活, 2016-05-12
- 先环抱感谢,回头再回贴! - 小活, 2016-05-11
- 小活也是百变女神,这首真是迷人的很啦! - 点滴, 2016-05-12
- 谢谢点滴!周末愉快!:) - 小活, 2016-05-13
- 小活唱的节奏动感都非常到位,鼎! - 星月, 2016-05-18
- 动感十足. 要是能配上视频肯定更棒! - 6歌, 2016-05-10