好书推荐 给 感觉派。花花大王自认感觉派并坚持感觉派的道路。感觉派既然存在就有其合理性,感觉派可能取得更大的成功。问题是,先有《系统》?还是先有《感觉》? 请看 《Trading from your Gut, how to use right brain instinct and left brain smarts to become a master trader, by Curtis Faith》。Curtis Faith 是turtle program里最优秀的turtle。 (谈股论金) 729次阅读
观看【伍点墨】的博客- 没有文字 -
- zt:80年代美国如何掐住日本“咽喉”?——美日贸易战给中国的启示 - 东新, 2017-01-23
- 谢谢新东! - 雅歌, 2017-01-23
- 好书推荐 给 感觉派。花花大王自认感觉派并坚持感觉派的道路。感觉派既然存在就有其合理性,感觉派可能取得更大的成功。问题是,先有《系统》?还是先有《感觉》? 请看 《Trading from your Gut, how to use right brain instinct and left brain smarts to become a master trader, by Curtis Faith》。Curtis Faith 是turtle program里最优秀的turtle。 - 伍点墨, 2017-01-23
- "......there is a big difference between trading emotionally and trading from your gut. Trading emotionally means reacting to fear and hope, which can destroy your trading decisions. Trading from your gut is different. It is a way of tapping into the extra power of the right hemisphere of the brain, which can be a powerful, effective, and entirely rational addition to any traders repertoire." - 伍点墨, 2017-01-23
- 墨墨你笑死我啦,我就是一本正经胡说八道捏,要是感觉派真的灵我还不要赚的不清不楚呀。也对,我的感觉还是有一定可靠性的,不靠谱的是我的多动善变的性格啦。所以最后总是性格战胜了我的感觉,完败,哈哈 - 花非花, 2017-01-23
- 还有我也不是纯碎靠感觉啦,我也会看图图啊,虽然我只会最简单的但是感觉足够了。有时候多看几遍图图,感觉就从四面八方来了啦,哈哈 - 花非花, 2017-01-23