
“Be My Love” : 祝客栈的新老朋友们情人节快乐!!! 这是一首很老的电影插曲,可惜伴奏的节奏使人感到有些无所适从,望大家多多包涵,呵呵。。。 (我是歌手)  3457次阅读

作者: 老乔治 @, 发表于: 2017-02-13 (2687天前)


Be my love
For no one else can end this yearning
This needs that you and you alone create
Just fill my arms
The way you've filled my dreams
The dreams that you inspire
With every sweet desire

Be my love
And with your kisses set me burning
One kiss is all I need to seal my fate
And hand in hand
We'll find love's promised land
There'll be no one but you for me
If you would be my love


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