4 Reasons Crude Oil Moved Higher In September (谈股论金) 436次阅读
观看【兔子】的博客During the first 25 days of September, Brent crude prices rose 12.7% to $59.02 per barrel. After almost three years of depressed prices and a summer in which Brent bottomed as low at $44.82 per barrel, there is talk that this jump is the start of a significant price rebound. It is important to understand what elements in the market may have contributed to this jump in the last three to four weeks.
1) Kurdish Independence Referendum
For the last few weeks, fear of instability in the Middle East has grown as the date of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) 25 September referendum on Kurdish independence drew closer. This past Monday, Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan threatened to cut off the Ceyhan pipeline, which brings about 550,000 barrels a day of oil from the KRG region to a port in Turkey. Though at the time of writing Turkey has not acted on this threat, Erdogan has reiterated his commitment to “close the tap,” on Kurdish oil in retribution for this referendum.
The fear of overall instability and particularly a drop in supply from Kurdish-held regions has caused oil prices to climb higher. No one knows what instability may occur or how the geopolitical issues will resolve. While Turkey, Iran and Iraq are all disgruntled about the referendum vote, and have all threatened the KRG, the KRG has a strong case for sovereignty based on its well-tested military, control of the territory, existing economy, and control of water flowing from the Tigris River.
2) OPEC / Non-OPEC Production Cut Deal
The OPEC and non-OPEC monitoring committee met in Vienna on 22 September and announced that the global oil glut is “halfway” cleared. At the same time, the committee did not make any recommendations about whether the production cuts should be extended past their March 2018, expiration date. Russian oil minister Alexander Novak mentioned the possibility of “a gradual, slow exit strategy,” that the group may implement at some point during the latter half of 2018. Novak indicated that Russia would be open to deciding whether or not to extend the production cuts in January. The committee also discussed production caps for OPEC members Libya and Nigeria, whose unfettered production has caused price drops. Although no commitments were made, the indication is that some commitment from Libya and Nigeria to make production cuts will be forthcoming.
Unlike last May, when the market dropped after OPEC announced an extension of the production cuts but no further cuts, the market saw this announcement about a “halfway” cleared glut and the openings for continued and further cuts as positive signs and oil prices rallied.
3) Inventory Projections
Recent projections from oil trading group Trafigura and the IEA foresee an oil shortage as soon as 2019 or 2020. Citigroup echoed this sentiment, explaining that it believes several key OPEC producers (Libya, Nigeria, Venezuela, Iraq and Iran) are currently pumping at their maximum capacities. Therefore, Citigroup believes the market should not fear a sudden increase in production from any of these producers in the near future.
These projections are another reason oil prices have risen of late. They are all very good news for those seeking higher oil prices. The question will be whether projections in the coming months coincide with these. As well, there are many other producers that could increase production if the opportunity arises (and higher prices represent such an opportunity).
4) Momentum
Trading momentum is a significant aspect of this recent jump. Recent narratives from prominent news sources have described the market as shifting from bearish to bullish. These declarations are also self-fulfilling prophecies, as they create an expectation that oil prices will continue to rise. With continued news or conjecture about supply disruptions, OPEC cuts, or future shortages, the momentum could continue. To some extent, the perpetuation of upward momentum depends most on what the traders and speculators feel. It could take oil higher, but today few are predicting this to lead directly to the $70+ range.
- 9/27/2017 《每日资讯时事综述股市快报》 - 新东, 2017-09-26
- ZT:油价又一阴影扩散,美国产油商疯狂对冲或限制油价 - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 谢谢信息!辛苦了!无论油价涨跌,你是巍然不动,热心为大家收集信息。 - Boars, 2017-09-26
- 无论油价涨跌,每天客栈也都能看到你的欢言妙语,也要谢谢你! - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 谢谢两位妙语连珠! - 海市, 2017-09-27
- 无论油价涨跌,每天客栈也都能看到你的欢言妙语,也要谢谢你! - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 谢谢信息!辛苦了!无论油价涨跌,你是巍然不动,热心为大家收集信息。 - Boars, 2017-09-26
- 【早餐|2017年9月27日】 道指6月来首次四连跌,美科技股反弹,黄金原油跌。 93%选民支持库尔德斯坦独立,布油创26个月新高后回落收跌。 耶伦承认或对通胀太乐观,若通胀疲软,货币政策恐更宽松;但她坚持渐进加息,否则经济有过热风险;美元上涨后回落。 美国税改细节将公布:最低个人税率升至12%,但标准扣除额翻倍。 今年医改无望,美参院暂不对医改议案表决。 全球唯一禁止女性驾车国家沙特将对此解禁。 媒体:特斯拉将把车载多媒体系统合作方由英伟达换成英特尔。 监管苛刻,Uber将终止在魁北克运营。 - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 周二油价下跌,之前,土耳其威胁将切断来自伊拉克库尔德地区的原油出口以及油市加速再平衡提振油价攀升,此后,投资者锁定获利,导致周二油价下跌,API原油库存意外录得下降令美油在电子盘尾盘阶段跌幅收窄至接近平盘。油价上涨引发投资者获利了结。Mizuho Americas的能源期货董事Robert Yawger表示,油市接近超买区域。 - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 现货金周二(9月26日)下挫逾1%,此前美联储主席耶伦称,显著的不确定性增加了渐进收紧政策的理由,美联储必须警惕行动过于渐进,“在通货膨胀回到2%之前维持货币政策不变是轻率的”。耶伦称若不适度上调利率,经济可能过热。耶伦讲话打压金价.因这不是市场所预期的,美债收益率小幅回升,加上美元走强打压了金价。昨日以来的避险交易有所缓解。 - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 9月26日ishares黄金持仓增加2.28吨/白银持仓持平;9月26日黄金ETF持仓量:SPDR黄金持仓量增加6.5吨; - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 周三重点关注:8:30 美国8月耐用品订单初值. 10:00 美国8月成屋签约销售指数。 9:15 美国明尼阿波利斯联储主席Kashkari(2017年FOMC票委)讲话。 10:30 美国能源信息署(EIA)发布政府版原油库存周报。 - 新东, 2017-09-26
- 4 Reasons Crude Oil Moved Higher In September - 兔子, 2017-09-27
- 兔子早!谢谢! - 新东, 2017-09-27
- 美国8月耐用品订单环比初值 1.7%,预期 1%,前值 -6.8%。 美国8月扣除运输类耐用品订单环比初值 0.2%,预期 0.2%,前值 0.6%修正为0.8%。 美国8月扣除飞机非国防资本耐用品订单环比初值 0.9%,预期 0.3%,前值 1%修正为1.1%。 - 新东, 2017-09-27
- 【周三美股盘前你需要了解的全球资讯】 市场静待特朗普税改计划,10年期美债收益率涨至八周高点,美元指数创逾一个月新高。 媒体称,德国财长朔伊布勒将转任德国联邦议会主席。 伊拉克国民议会授权总理对库尔德政府控制的基尔库克地区出兵。 阿尔斯通与西门子签署协议合并铁路业务,迎战中车竞争。 中国8月工业企业利润同比增长24%,创2013年以来最大增幅。 日经225指数收跌0.3%,沪指涨0.05%,恒指涨0.5%。 关注稍晚的美国8月成屋签约销售指数、美国上周EIA原油库存、新西兰联储利率决议等。 稍晚美联储Bullard、Brainard、Rosengren等人将发表讲话。 - 新东, 2017-09-27
- 美国8月成屋签约销售指数环比 -2.6%,创1月份以来最大升幅,预期 -0.5%,前值 -0.8%。 美国8月成屋签约销售指数同比 -3.1%,预期 -0.5%,前值 -0.5%。 - 新东, 2017-09-27
- 美国9月22日当周EIA原油库存 -184.6万桶,预期 +310万桶,前值 +459.10万桶。
美国9月22日当周EIA库欣地区原油库存 +118.1万桶,前值 +70.30万桶。
美国9月22日当周EIA汽油库存 +110.7万桶,预期 -75.00万桶,前值 -212.50万桶。
美国9月22日当周EIA精炼油库存 -81.4万桶,预期 -205.00万桶,前值 -569.30万桶。
美国9月22日当周EIA精炼厂设备利用率变化 +5.4%,预期 +3.00%,前值 +5.50%。 - 新东, 2017-09-27
- 新东精炼油的数据没有。老师补充了,才减少80万(API是减400+,所以,我要改正一下看法,eia是稍利空,比api更加利空。 - LilyFisher, 2017-09-27
- 谢谢Lily提醒。已更正。 - 新东, 2017-09-27
- 晕,新东对不起,再一看,有精炼油啊?看俺这慌的。自打一板。 - LilyFisher, 2017-09-27
- Lily,你没错,我改过来而已。 - 新东, 2017-09-27
- 新东精炼油的数据没有。老师补充了,才减少80万(API是减400+,所以,我要改正一下看法,eia是稍利空,比api更加利空。 - LilyFisher, 2017-09-27
- ZT:油价又一阴影扩散,美国产油商疯狂对冲或限制油价 - 新东, 2017-09-26