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I would like to add one thing here, you can't only focus on US crude production (谈股论金)  454次阅读

作者: longterminvestor @, 发表于: 2017-12-27 (2530天前) @ 雅歌


US is an important force but not a dominant one, at least not yet. Now we all know peak supply theory is wrong, but there are some truth there in that theory.

Also we need to pay attention to crude demand. No one really knows the clear picture of supply and demand until we are long past the infection point and looking back. But the long term picture (in a few years) is oil price recovery, this is cycle, oil price down -> investment down (world wide) -> production down, -> oil price up. At the same time, demand has been increasing for the last few years. Be careful, do not work your way against long term force. (excluding solar/wind from the picture for really long long time)


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