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如果你同意Van Tharp 下面这句话,那么其意义是深远的,炒股的技巧,炒股的制胜之道,是可以学的,因此我们能够成为大师。1.10. Some people argue that duplication top trading skills is impossible because you cannot duplicate their experience. I believe that notion is ridiculous. Two traders can have the same experiences and produce entirely different results. It is not the experience, per se, that is important, but how people represent that experience internally. How experts code their experiences in their brains is the key to duplicating their success. You can duplicate the internal representations of top traders by duplicating their beliefs, mental states, and mental strategies. –Van Tharp, Peak Performance Course (谈股论金)  408次阅读

作者: 伍点墨 @, 发表于: 2017-12-31 (2329天前) @ 伍点墨


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