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Natural Gas Price Forecast January 19, 2018, Technical Analysis (谈股论金)  495次阅读

作者: 追风者 @, 发表于: 2018-01-19 (2327天前) @ 雅歌


I believe that the $3.00 level will be targeted, but it should also be rather supportive. Once we break down below there, I would be aiming for the $2.75 level next, and I think that the general attitude of the market should continue. After all, just above the current trading area we have a massive amount of resistance, extending to the $3.40 level. I believe that the marketplace will continue to be very noisy, but most certainly if you can use a smaller position, you can start shorting in this general vicinity, but it will take some time to break down. I like selling rallies, but I would not jump in with a massive position, because if the noise of course can be very dangerous. Once we break down below the $3.00 level, I would be more than willing to add to a short position.


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