ZT: Will The Short Volatility Trade Ever Disappear? (XIV) (谈股论金) 379次阅读
观看【Dolphin】的博客Posted in on September 5, 2017 - 11:40am
By Lawrence G. McMillan
We have written many times about the “Big (Volatility) Short.” It is a very profitable trade, for the most part. It comes about because of the upward-sloping term structure of the $VIX futures during a “normal,” bullish market. In its simplest, original form, one merely shorts the $VIX futures a month or two out in time and sits back, waiting for the passage of time to bring the futures prices down to meet $VIX at expiration. In effect, the “time decay” of the premium in the $VIX futures produces a profit for the short sellers of $VIX futures.
The strategy only loses money if $VIX rallies sharply and/or if the $VIX futures trade at a discount to $VIX, in which case time decay is negative (i.e., the futures rise to meet $VIX at expiration). Both of those things tend to happen simultaneously in a bearish stock market.
From the inception of $VIX futures trading in 2003 to early 2009, this was the only way to trade “the Big (Volatility) Short.” In fact, the market itself halted the practice of this trade, with the huge spike in volatility in 2008. Most practitioners of the strategy were wiped out or suffered large losses at that time.
Then, in early 2009, Barclays introduced the first Volatility ETN, called VXX. VXX is really just a blend of the two front futures months, so shorting VXX is the equivalent of shorting the $VIX futures. Since VXX was fairly liquid and popular, it was available to borrow and short.
Shortly after VXX gained popularity and liquidity, the “inverse Volatility ETN” arose, called XIV. It behaves in pretty much exactly the opposite way to VXX. So a long position in XIV is akin to a short position in VXX. This opened up the “Big (Volatility) Short” to everyone, for even the smallest investor could buy shares of XIV. There was no need to go through the hassle of borrowing shares of VXX to short.
Figure 5
Owning XIV is the epitome of this phenomenon of shorting volatility. Its chart has not been so healthy lately, though (see Figure 5, but most players in this space couldn’t care less about the chart – they’re only concerned with an upward-sloping $VIX futures term structure, and that they have. You can see the strong upward move in XIV from last November, and that is what has fanned the flames of what can only be described as a “short volatility” frenzy. Eventually, this will end badly, of course, but it’s hard to predict how or when.
So many articles have been and are being written on the subject that it’s hard to follow them all. One caught my eye recently, though as a practitioner of the “short volatility” strategy postulated that it takes advantage of a market inefficiency, and postulated that the inefficiency would eventually disappear.
The author identified the inefficiency as the upward slope in the term structure of the $VIX futures. He predicted it would eventually go away, and then the trade would end. Well, he’s right about one thing: if the term structure is flat, shorting VXX or being long XIV doesn’t have any “edge.” It would simply become a volatility trade, profiting or losing money only on the basis of movement in $VIX. There would essentially be no “time decay” in the $VIX futures, and hence no “free money” for those who are shorting volatility futures.
But will the $VIX futures term structure ever flatten? I don’t think so. We have written in the past about what causes the term structure to slope upward in a bullish stock market. Here’s a quick summary:
Suppose near-term volatility is relatively low, as is generally the case in a bull market. Further, suppose that a trader comes to a market maker and says, “What implied volatility will you charge me for a call option that is due to expire in just a couple of weeks?” No one knows where volatility is going to be in two weeks, but odds are that it will be pretty close to where it is now, so the market maker will generally price the option with an implied volatility only slightly higher than the current volatility, or the current $VIX.
Then suppose the same option buyer asks the market maker to price a 3-year option. We know that no one knows where volatility is going to be in three years, so the market maker would generally be leery of pricing it too low, so he will use something close to, or maybe even slightly above, the long-term average volatility of the underlying. In this case, suppose the buyer is looking to buy a 3-year call on SPY or $SPX. The market maker is probably going to charge something like a 22% implied volatility for that call, because that is the longer-term volatility of the index.
So this means that a short-term $VIX futures will be priced just slightly above the current price of $VIX, while a long-term 3-year $VIX futures contract (if one existed) would be priced at 22. For expirations in between, the slope is somewhat linear between the lower-priced short-term futures contract and the longer-term one. Hence the term structure of the $VIX futures slopes upward. That is not going to change, unless market makers are willing to sell long-term calls for a very low volatility – a virtually impossibility. Hence, in a bull market, the term structure is going to slope upwards. It’s just a fact of life.
In recent years, both realized and implied volatilities have become quite depressed, as this long-term bull market rolls along. This new generation of “short volatility’ traders thinks that this is the new norm. But just as the low volatilities of 1993 and 2006 seemed permanent, they eventually gave way to massive increases in volatility, and so will this market – eventually. Another popular way of being short volatility is via SVXY, which is an ETF, not an ETN.
Is a long bear market the only thing that could kibosh the short volatility trade? No, there are some structural inefficiencies in the markets that could be a problem. Very few traders know what will happen to XIV if $VIX futures explode to the upside. One has to read the Prospectus to see what will happen, and most owners of XIV have not and most likely will not do so. The worry is that if $VIX futures were to more than double in a day, then XIV and SVXY would be worth less than zero!
The underwriter (think “market maker”), which happens to be Credit Suisse (CS) for XIV, doesn’t want that to happen, of course, because CS would be on the hook for any losses if the value of XIV dropped below 0. So, in the case of XIV, if the futures gain 80% on a given day, the underwriter will begin to liquidate XIV – hoping to cover all the short futures before they rise by more than 100% on the day. That will eventually wipe out XIV at nearly a total loss to holders. The underwriter then has the right to accelerate the expiration of the ETN, and holders will receive a cash payout for whatever is left (if anything). In that case, the ETN will cease to trade any longer. Of course, this presupposes that the short $VIX futures can even be covered. One would have to expect it would be difficult, because if they’ve already risen 80% without the underwriter in there buying back his shorts, they will really take off if the short covering accelerates in earnest.
As for SVXY, I spoke with the ProShares people (the underwriter) and was assured that the investor cannot lose more than 100% of his investment, regardless of what happens to the actual short futures contracts. In practice, if the value of SVXY at the end of the day is less than or equal to zero, it would cease to exist. Even if the investor cannot lose more than 100%, Proshares can, and Proshares certainly would not want unlimited losses in the short futures, so they would be madly covering them as well – accelerating the futures ascent just as Credit Suisse would.
The combined actions would be quite startling and would certainly have after-shocks in other parts of the market. Having traded through the Crash of ‘87, one learns not to discount things like this. In theory, $VIX rose from about 30 to 150 on the day of the Crash, so it is certainly possible for a double of $VIX futures to occur in a single day.
Note that this dire scenario would not unfold if, for example, $VIX futures were to rise 50% one day and then 50% again the next day. That would certainly be very harmful to the value of XIV and SVXY, but it would not cause the buying panic in the $VIX futures described above. However, with massive redemptions (selling) of the XIV and SVXY shares by holders of those ETFs and ETNs, there could be massive buying of $VIX futures anyway – perhaps in a more orderly manner – as the underwriters unwound the futures positions to match the redemptions in the shares.
The bottom line is that the Big (Volatility) Short is an excellent trade that takes advantage of an upward sloping term structure in the $VIX futures. If that term structure, however, flattens or begins to slope downward, bad things happen to the Big (Volatility) Short trade. The rapidity with which the term structure makes that change will have a lot to do with just how bad the losses are that are incurred by the volatility shorts. Most smart players – hedge funds, family offices, etc. – are quite leery of the short volatility trading strategy right now, because of the extremely low levels of $VIX and because it’s such a crowded trade. However, it seems that “everyone” is warning against the trade right now, so it will probably continue to work for quite some time before – unexpectedly – a problem explodes on the scene.
In the articles we previously have written about the Big (Volatility) Short trade, we had exits in mind. Those should be paramount for anyone using this strategy. Simplistically, if the term structure flattens, get out of XIV and SVXY until it steepens again. There is no advantage to being in those securities when the $VIX futures term structure is flat or sloping downwards. The term structure will flatten before disaster occurs.
- 2/6/2018 《每日资讯时事综述股市快报》 - 新东, 2018-02-05
- 今日的美股暴跌和2015年A股的踩踏事故如出一辙,原因如何,相信今晚就会有很多的分析文章出来,不用多说。这里只想提醒的是,不要轻易去抄底,现在最好的策略是持币观望。现在的美股处以异常敏感的时期,需要观察股市的暴跌会不会传导到其他市场,引发多米诺骨牌般的效应。无论做多做空,在后市没有相对明朗的信号出现之前,都极具风险。 - sunday2017, 2018-02-05
- 个人的判断,支撑美股上涨的逻辑依然没有被完全破坏,目前的调整依然是中期性质的。但美股已经进入顶部的构造阶段,过去单边向上的局面不会再出现,个股会分化。有些个股调整之后,恐怕很多年都不会再回到此前高位。 - sunday2017, 2018-02-05
- 看到一些人还在飞蛾扑火般的交易和抄底svxy和uvxy,很是感叹。在大盘动荡,前方一片迷雾的情况下,这种交易其实与赌博无异。没有人能保证svxy就一定能回到高位,就一定能长线的持续增长,这是绝不可能的!在目前的股市由单边上涨进入动荡周期之后,如果熊市随后真的到来,svxy一样会让你亏的渣都不剩。不知道有多少人会在svxy中遭受到无法弥补的损失,只是再提醒一句,不管后市如何,亏掉的就亏掉了,不要再继续加大赌注,不要让自己甚至家庭承受无法承受的风险和损失。作为一个20多年股龄的老股民,在这里看到太多的盲目和盲从,也不想多言,希望这番话有所帮助吧。 - sunday2017, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢提醒!有道理! - sunnywell, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢提醒 - 天狼星, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢您的提醒,都是肺腑之言。 - Vestalbm, 2018-02-05
- These Two ETFs could go Bankrupt in a Flash - 大笨蛋, 2018-02-05
- Thank you but it's too late. - algo, 2018-02-05
- 只买了35股,下午下班回家就亏了3000元,什么情况?砸蒙了,不敢加仓。 - daydreaming, 2018-02-05
- 请您以后在各个版面都多提醒,特别是对我们这种菜鸟。您的20多年股龄经历会让大家受益非浅的,至少不会再飞蛾扑火般的交易和抄底了,血的教训啊! - casunny168, 2018-02-05
- 看到晚了,后悔今天的几次加仓,我觉得很难出水了。Scottrade今天盘后显示的不是收盘价,而是实时价格,希望不是发行商开始甩卖了。 - crazywalnut, 2018-02-05
- 我的理解是已经破产了,只有这个可以解释盘后的暴跌 - bathmab, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢提醒。 - 新东, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢提醒! - lin61386, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢提醒 - 小肥兔, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢提醒, 请今后多多提醒! - jqy888, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢提醒,记下了 - happyTrading3, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢! - onroad925, 2018-02-06
- 经历了这场SVXY的洗礼,我要好好建立起自己学习投资的理念。要有自己独立的思考能力和分辨能力。 - 趋势翅膀, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢 - 小迪, 2018-02-06
- Thanks!!! - jyac, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢 跌的太快,没跑出来 - 秤砣, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢真言! - 雪绒花, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢提醒! - 阳光, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢 - 兔子, 2018-02-06
- 有道理,谢谢! - su759527, 2018-02-06
- SVXY 又开始交易了 - 秤砣, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢提醒! - sva2017, 2018-02-06
- 我很不明白的是很多人都一直预测的一月底股市要崩, 我一直很同意 所以$9 左右买的UVXY. 昨天跌那么狠的时候为啥大家都想短炒SVXY. - 酸辣热狗, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢 - kjamesnz, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢! - onroad925, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢提醒 - 兵妹, 2018-02-06
- 周一美东时间下午3点之后美国股市的暴跌超出了对经济形势正常反应的范畴,具有流动性驱动抛售的因素,堪称为闪电崩盘。这代表了投资者大规模撤出股市加剧了价格的下跌。不过可疑的是,周一股市尾盘大跌并没有具体的新闻推动。事实上,近来美股的涨势也令人心生困惑,不是靠基本面推动,而是过度自信。 美股跌幅之大,历年罕见,白宫对此迅速做出了回应。 白宫发言人Mercedes Schlapp对福克斯商业台表示,美国政府对股市遭遇挫折感到关切,但相信美国经济基本面依旧坚挺。 美国财政部发言人Tony Sayegh针对周一股市暴跌的问题表示,市场在反弹向上之前总是会回调,市场每一天都有波动在预料之中,预计抛盘不会持续太久。美国基本面强劲,理由有低失业率,工资增长,特朗普就任总统以来股市市值增加6万亿美元,感觉经济仍然非常强劲。 - 新东, 2018-02-05
- 2月5日,美联储新掌门人鲍威尔将宣誓就职,标志着美联储将正式进入鲍威尔时代。美国1月服务业活动以逾12年来最快的速度加速,美元持续走强。上周五公布的美国1月非农就业报告表现靓丽,平均时薪年率涨幅更是刷新2009年以来最大涨幅,提振美元上行,避免了七周连跌的尴尬局面。预计未来数周美元料迎来更持续反弹,美指或将录得年内首周收涨,未来数日表现为关键。 - 新东, 2018-02-05
- 黄金保持了温和的复苏势头,但现在似乎很难获得任何强劲的后续支撑。全球股市下跌的避险环境,进一步支撑了贵金属的避险吸引力,并应继续限制任何立即大幅下滑。 - 新东, 2018-02-05
- 2月5日ishares黄金持仓增加0.66吨/白银持仓增加35.19吨;2月5日黄金ETF持仓量:SPDR黄金持仓量持平; - 新东, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢新东! - lin61386, 2018-02-05
- 周一油价大幅下跌,因全球股市暴跌令避险情绪升温波及油市;而美元走势较为坚挺,且美国原油产量上升等利空均施压油价。上周公布的数据显示,11月美国石油产量突破1000万桶/日大关,这是近50年来的首次,投资者对进一步进入石油市场也不冷不热。美国能源情报署(EIA)将于周二发布月度短期能源展望报告,其中包括对油价和美国产出的预测。 - 新东, 2018-02-05
- 谢谢! - onroad925, 2018-02-06
- 周二重点关注: 8:30 美国12月贸易帐、加拿大12月贸易帐. 8:50 美国圣路易斯联储主席布拉德(2018无投票权)谈论美国经济和货币政策. 10:00 美国12月JOLTS职位空缺. 12:00 美国能源信息署(EIA)公布月度短期能源展望报告. - 新东, 2018-02-05
- ZT: Will The Short Volatility Trade Ever Disappear? (XIV) - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- thanks for sharing ! - newstudent6, 2018-02-06
- XiV 二月二十日就 关门了。你觉得关门前它的股价最高有可能上到什么位置?谢谢! - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- ZT: 人人都在谈论的XIV, 到底是什么? - newstudent6, 2018-02-06
- XiV 二月二十日就 关门了。你觉得关门前它的股价最高有可能上到什么位置?谢谢! - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 赞 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- thanks for sharing ! - newstudent6, 2018-02-06
- ZT: Is XIV the most dangerous investment in the world? - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 赞 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- ZT: XIV and SVXY Going to $0: What Would it Take? - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 很好的文章,谢谢分享! - df88, 2018-02-06
- so it could drop to $0? - jyac, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢分享! - TT2002, 2018-02-06
- 好文章,谢了 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢分享! - lin61386, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢分享! - Don, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢! - 旭日东升660, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢分享! - 阳光, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢分享! - sva2017, 2018-02-06
- 謝分享好文 - happyniu, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢! - haoqi, 2018-02-06
- US ‘inverse volatility’ funds halted; exchanges cite pending news - wjlc8, 2018-02-06
- 瑞士银行已经正式宣布终止XIV的ETF,最后交易日期是2/20! - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- What will happen after 2/20? Will all my shares go to 0? - 红枫, 2018-02-06
- XIV即使是结束ETF, 也不等于价格归零!只是最后买卖变得比较困难! - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- 要看VIX若是跌下来,XIV可能会涨很多,至少是昨天盘后的20元以上,可能会到80-100元! - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- 请问, 20/2 前如何操作? 现在没有交易. - 好奇猫, 2018-02-06
- 同问。 - Peace_in_mind, 2018-02-06
- nav只有4元,怎么可能还回到80-100,我觉得连上20的可能都没有a - bathmab, 2018-02-06
- What is nav? How do you get nav is $4? What might be the max price for Xiv? Thanks! - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 不可能回到30块以上了。SVXY净值从2/2收盘的$1.893,132,269.00跌倒2/5收盘的$256,475,706.50,按2/2收盘价$105.6计算,2/5收盘实际价格应该是$14.3(净值链接见内). 就算VIX future回到2/2的水平,SVXY最多也就翻翻,$28左右。所以SVXY复盘后超过$25就可以准备抛了。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- 昨天盘后Scottrade 一直显示15,也许就是你说的原因? - crazywalnut, 2018-02-06
- 应该是。我记得盘后交易最后大约就是$14.5左右,估计有交易者知道实时的SVXY净值数据,根据净值确定盘后交易价的。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- 当前净值11.8 - 神枪, 2018-02-06
- 收盘应该会高一些,毕竟VIX Feb future 跌了33.78%,March future 跌了29.04%.可惜管理方怕了没全仓short,2.45亿资金里只short了一个亿。按现在VIX future价格,收盘净值应该只涨10%左右。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- 大盘开跌了,今天很动荡。我觉得SVXY不太可能高开,高开的话很多人都会抛的,也许就是10多吧。 - crazywalnut, 2018-02-06
- 我也觉得,10到15之间吧。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- 好像是并没有全仓,刚才uvxy从15到28,SVXY净值只从11-12波动。说明2个问题:1.已经没有爆仓的风险,清盘是不会了。2.昨天净值损失90%已定,回到100要几年。 - 神枪, 2018-02-06
- 是,爆仓肯定不会的,昨天SVXY全清仓了,虽然损失惨重。 持仓比例你可以看这里: http://www.proshares.com/funds/svxy_daily_holdings.html. 昨天收盘时大约39%. SVXY花了五年才翻了六倍到100块,还是牛市波动小的五年。今年开始波动肯定比之前剧烈,100块短期估计不回去了,还随时可能有昨天那样的风险,不值得。净值你是哪里看到的啊?链接能发一下么? - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- 大盘开跌了,今天很动荡。我觉得SVXY不太可能高开,高开的话很多人都会抛的,也许就是10多吧。 - crazywalnut, 2018-02-06
- 收盘应该会高一些,毕竟VIX Feb future 跌了33.78%,March future 跌了29.04%.可惜管理方怕了没全仓short,2.45亿资金里只short了一个亿。按现在VIX future价格,收盘净值应该只涨10%左右。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- 昨天盘后Scottrade 一直显示15,也许就是你说的原因? - crazywalnut, 2018-02-06
- 请间我不太明白如果xiv就要关门了,谁还会去买这个股票呢?如果没有人买,怎么卖呢。谢谢! - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- ETF其实是基金的一种,是有庄家的。卖是卖给庄家,是回赎。瑞士银行可能牵涉到作弊,吃掉投资人的筹码! - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- 这样的事有先例吗? - 北极熊熊, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢老师回复。那么现在股价这么低,瑞士银行如果不买,我们怎么卖呢。 - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 庄家必须接受回赎,只是这报价可能被庄家压低。不回赎的,到了2/20日,庄家会清算ETF的净资产,然后除于所剩下的股数,得出最后每股的价值,退还给拥有该ETF者。 - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- thanks a lot! - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 老师,不知道我是不是搞错了,好像是说按最后一天的交易的收价请祘。 - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 也就是说一个馒头只有4块,但被市场哄抬到一百块,是市场买着搞成这样。 - 金油气, 2018-02-06
- 庄家必须接受回赎,只是这报价可能被庄家压低。不回赎的,到了2/20日,庄家会清算ETF的净资产,然后除于所剩下的股数,得出最后每股的价值,退还给拥有该ETF者。 - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- ETF其实是基金的一种,是有庄家的。卖是卖给庄家,是回赎。瑞士银行可能牵涉到作弊,吃掉投资人的筹码! - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- 请问, 20/2 前如何操作? 现在没有交易. - 好奇猫, 2018-02-06
ProShares, a premier provider of ETFs, announced today the performance on Monday of the ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY) was consistent with its objective and reflected the changes in the level of its underlying index. We expect the fund to be open for trading today and we intend to continue to manage the fund as usual.
About ProShares
ProShares has been at the forefront of the ETF revolution since 2006. ProShares now offers one of the largest lineups of ETFs, with more than $29 billion in assets. The company is the leader in strategies such as dividend growth, alternative and geared (leveraged and inverse). ProShares continues to innovate with products that provide strategic and tactical opportunities for investors to manage risk and enhance returns. - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 不赎回就好,比瑞士信贷有骨气。进价低的总有机会全身而退的,高于$30的就得小心了,必要时可能要止损出场。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- XiV 二月二十日就 关门了。你觉得关门前它的股价最高有可能上到什么位置?谢谢 - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 赎回会引起恐慌性抛售,估计到时候也不可能超过十块的。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- XiV 二月二十日就 关门了。你觉得关门前它的股价最高有可能上到什么位置?谢谢 - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 不赎回就好,比瑞士信贷有骨气。进价低的总有机会全身而退的,高于$30的就得小心了,必要时可能要止损出场。 - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- xiv 可以交易啦 - cartercrest, 2018-02-06
- 要看VIX若是跌下来,XIV可能会涨很多,至少是昨天盘后的20元以上,可能会到80-100元! - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- 瑞信:将 Velocity Shares Daily Inverse VIX Short-term ETNs加速至2月21日到期。 预计将在2月15日前就期权加速到期向存托公司发出不可撤回的通知函。 加速到期日当日将按每ETN在加速到期日的当日收盘价对投资者进行现金付款。 - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- SVXY公告将继续交易,不会清盘 - 神枪, 2018-02-06
- 什么时候? - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- https://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/ProShare+Advisors+Statement+on+ProShares+Short+VIX+Short-Term+Futures+ETF+%28SVXY%29/13769660.html - 杨过不改, 2018-02-06
- SVXY has already started trading. - Dolphin, 2018-02-06
- 11.12 now - 大笨蛋, 2018-02-06
- SVXY 已经开盘了,开始交易了。 - 玩油小户, 2018-02-06
- SVXY - happyniu, 2018-02-06
- 老师,啥时可以考虑买SVXY?还是观望一阵?好久没冒泡,都不知怎么问问题了 - happyniu, 2018-02-06
- xiv还会复盘到2/20吗? - Peace_in_mind, 2018-02-06
- Wow, 6.37 now. - Peace_in_mind, 2018-02-06
- svxy开了,11.24现在 - 每天开心, 2018-02-06
- 是不是2月20之前,必须卖完Svxy吗? - 橘子, 2018-02-06
- 是说XIV,不是SVXY - happyniu, 2018-02-06
- 谢谢! 那么 Svxy 可以放在那里暂时观望 - 橘子, 2018-02-06
- 是说XIV,不是SVXY - happyniu, 2018-02-06
- 是不是2月20之前,必须卖完Svxy吗? - 橘子, 2018-02-06
- SVXY现在交易价是$12。看来是没有希望回到昨天收盘价$71了。就算是市场重拾上升趋势,那也是需要翻三倍的功夫。况且是它不能被清盘。 - 灰牛, 2018-02-06
- 什么时候? - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- Xiv 开盘了 - cartercrest, 2018-02-06
- 这里的信息很多。能不能再次确认一下,SVXY是否会在2月20号被停止交易? - 灰牛, 2018-02-06
- 是XIV,与SVXY无关。 - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- 瑞士银行已经正式宣布终止XIV的ETF,最后交易日期是2/20! - 雅歌, 2018-02-06
- 美国12月贸易帐逆差531亿美元,创2008年以来最大逆差规模,预期逆差521亿美元,前值逆差505亿美元修正为逆差504亿美元。 - 新东, 2018-02-06
- EIA:天然气和可再生能源将在2022年后支撑所有新的电力供应 - 新东, 2018-02-06
- 好事啊 - su759527, 2018-02-06
- EIA月报:将2018年美国原油产量预期从1027万桶/日升至1059万桶/日。将2018年世界原油需求增速预期上调1万桶/日至173万桶/日。预计2018年WTI原油价格为58.28美元/桶。预计2018年美国原油需求增速为45万桶/日,此前预期为47万桶/日。EIA月报:预计1月OPEC原油产量上升9万桶/日至3241万桶/日;去年12月的产量下调至3232万桶/日(此前为3254万桶/日)。 - 新东, 2018-02-06
- EIA月报:预计2018年天然气价格为3.31美元/千立方英尺,2019年天然气价格为3.19美元/千立方英尺。预计2018年美国天然气产量为803.0亿立方英尺/日,此前预期为804.2亿立方英尺/日。预计2018年美国天然气消费量为774.4亿立方英尺/日,此前预期为775.3亿立方英尺/日。 - 新东, 2018-02-06
- 美国2月2日当周API原油库存 -105万桶,结束之前连增两周的表现,前值 +322.9万桶。 美国2月2日当周API汽油库存 -22.7万桶,前值 +269.2万桶。 美国2月2日当周API精炼油库存 +455.2万桶,前值 -409.6万桶。 美国2月2当周API库欣地区原油库存 -63.3万桶,前值 -238.3万桶。 - 新东, 2018-02-06
- 今日的美股暴跌和2015年A股的踩踏事故如出一辙,原因如何,相信今晚就会有很多的分析文章出来,不用多说。这里只想提醒的是,不要轻易去抄底,现在最好的策略是持币观望。现在的美股处以异常敏感的时期,需要观察股市的暴跌会不会传导到其他市场,引发多米诺骨牌般的效应。无论做多做空,在后市没有相对明朗的信号出现之前,都极具风险。 - sunday2017, 2018-02-05