版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  

thank you, Yage! It is my biggest position, original plan of doubling or tripling is gone now, I am not bso, trust me. I lost a lot of money on Oil and Gas before. Now it is hard to look for a replacement. HK is a similar story, artificially depressed by the same bond fund: Franklin. Franklin is liquidating its shares since HK coming out of BK, it had 37 millions shares a year ago, it has 3 millions a month ago, couple of things different: HK is in permian, pipeline problem, HK shale produces light oil, market wants heavy oil the most, HK has nearly half hedged, EGC is superior on all of these. Pipeline and hedge problem will improve come 2019. (谈股论金)  509次阅读

作者: longterminvestor @, 发表于: 2018-06-18 (2205天前) @ 雅歌


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