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【七嘴八舌话后期】 ZT 贴一个油管上搜来的Audition 3.0 教学系列视频 (18+),对所有使用audition的童鞋都有参考价值。 (聊天灌水)  2708次阅读

作者: 七嘴八舌 @, 发表于: 2014-10-12 (3634天前)
编辑: 七嘴八舌, 时间: 星期日, 十月 12, 2014, 03:32


Adobe Audition 3.0 Tutorial Part 1: How To Set Up A Session
1:50 add audio and bus tracks 多轨设置
2:27 name tracks
2:37 load a audio file into a track
3:29 get ready to record
5:03 record with compressor and deEsser, good to know this, 这一部分推荐给清泉看看
6:02 bus tracks, 非常重要的概念

Adobe Audition 3.0 Tutorial Part 2: Editing Vocals
2:17 bus all recording tracks to one bus track which is bus B in this example
3:57 mute begin and end of the recorded vocal to get rid of background noise
5:22 use noise reduction 降噪
5:44 pan vocals to achive stereo effect. Pan is another important concept.
6:36 make sure no sound clipping
9:46 add echo to individual vocal tracks
10:41 mix multi tracks and bounce to a new track

Adobe Audition 3.0 Tutorial Part 3: Crystal Clear Vocals

Adobe Audition 3.0 Tutorial Part 4: Auto-Tune Explained


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