版主:雅歌  新东  胖胖  熊熊  

Buy 3x is gambling with the "host". First, the host made the rule, this guarantee, at the end, "host" will win, if not, the 3x will be out! In this world, human heart (society/human brain) is at the highest level from physical, chemical, organic chemical, bio to life and brain, we can try to predict weather (physical) or gas production/consume, but we can't predict human brain and the society, even you have some feeling about it, the accuracy is poor. At this point, you don't know the wall street MMs just want to shake you out, or they plan to let the 3x go "0". So if you really like to play with 3x, play small for entertainment :). (谈股论金)  229次阅读

作者: Gemi888 @, 发表于: 2018-11-20 (2142天前) @ NGO153


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