Barra also said GM tightened its belt last year, helping to boost earnings. She announced several plant closures and 14,000 job cuts in November. The reorganization is estimated to save about $6 billion by the end of 2020, with about half of those cost savings realized by the end of 2019, the company said at the time. (谈股论金) 355次阅读
- 01/11/2019聊天室。可以任意发表评论,建议和聊天。也可以在这里提出关于股票的问题,为了方便大家聚焦在当天股市的交易,其中重要的股票操作建议,会转到上面置顶区里 ,在下面接龙的前三名有金币奖励,可以用来观看雅歌老师的早评。 (谈股论金) - 胖胖, 2019-01-10
- +1 Safa - sva2017, 2019-01-10
- +2 - 秋凉, 2019-01-10
- +3 - 阳光zxr, 2019-01-10
- +4 - smart, 2019-01-10
- +5 - Anne, 2019-01-10
- +6 - 升腾, 2019-01-10
- +6 - michelle, 2019-01-10
- +7 - sinicman, 2019-01-10
- +8 - mia, 2019-01-10
- +9 - Mmjj, 2019-01-10
- +11 - jc23, 2019-01-10
- +12 - 心平气和, 2019-01-11
- +13 - Dandelion, 2019-01-11
- +14 - 秤砣, 2019-01-11
- +15 - house01810, 2019-01-11
- +16 - jyac, 2019-01-11
- +17 - etflover, 2019-01-11
- +18 - laochao, 2019-01-11
- +19 - kajw911, 2019-01-11
- 20 - orange, 2019-01-11
- +21 - 小姨婆, 2019-01-11
- +22 - sdjnsp, 2019-01-11
- +23 - baren, 2019-01-11
- +24 - Gemi888, 2019-01-11
- +25 - 映山红, 2019-01-11
- +26 - Xiaocao2017, 2019-01-11
- +27 - flower2, 2019-01-11
- +28 - fwenguo, 2019-01-11
- +29 - 鬼子5, 2019-01-11
- +30 - 每天开心, 2019-01-11
- +29 - 鬼子5, 2019-01-11
- +28 - fwenguo, 2019-01-11
- +27 - flower2, 2019-01-11
- +26 - Xiaocao2017, 2019-01-11
- +25 - 映山红, 2019-01-11
- +24 - Gemi888, 2019-01-11
- +23 - baren, 2019-01-11
- +22 - sdjnsp, 2019-01-11
- +21 - 小姨婆, 2019-01-11
- 20 - orange, 2019-01-11
- +19 - kajw911, 2019-01-11
- +18 - laochao, 2019-01-11
- +17 - etflover, 2019-01-11
- +16 - jyac, 2019-01-11
- +15 - house01810, 2019-01-11
- +14 - 秤砣, 2019-01-11
- +13 - Dandelion, 2019-01-11
- +12 - 心平气和, 2019-01-11
- +11 - jc23, 2019-01-10
- +9 - Mmjj, 2019-01-10
- +8 - mia, 2019-01-10
- +7 - sinicman, 2019-01-10
- +5 - Anne, 2019-01-10
- +4 - smart, 2019-01-10
- +3 - 阳光zxr, 2019-01-10
- +2 - 秋凉, 2019-01-10
- 01/10 更新 - caap2008, 2019-01-10
- 多谢 - 胖胖, 2019-01-10
- 谢谢更新! - signal, 2019-01-10
- 谢谢 - dbd, 2019-01-10
- 谢谢了 - 灰牛, 2019-01-11
- Thanks! - Viewer, 2019-01-11
- Thank you!!! - qingxue, 2019-01-11
- 谢谢! - 升腾, 2019-01-11
- Thanks - 踏浪, 2019-01-11
- 老師早,謝謝 - 菊花, 2019-01-11
- Thanks. - 泉水叮咚, 2019-01-11
- 谢谢! - Rio2016, 2019-01-11
- Thanks! - sva2017, 2019-01-11
- 谢谢 - 小秀, 2019-01-11
- morning! - cxww, 2019-01-11
- GM36.7元以上可以做空!目标是34-35元!因为中国与美国的汽车销售量都萎缩,GM在中国最近卖得很差! - 雅歌, 2019-01-11
- Barra also said GM tightened its belt last year, helping to boost earnings. She announced several plant closures and 14,000 job cuts in November. The reorganization is estimated to save about $6 billion by the end of 2020, with about half of those cost savings realized by the end of 2019, the company said at the time. - 雅歌, 2019-01-11
- 老师: AMD comments, please ? 谢谢 - always55, 2019-01-11
- AMD 19-19.5元可以买进,目标是20.5-21.35元。 - 雅歌, 2019-01-11
- 老师,AKS,BABA,JCP 继续拿着吗? - 天涯逍遥, 2019-01-11
- 最好先卖出部分!联邦政府关闭的问题,到了下周开始会主导股市!没关闭增加一日,股市就要下跌,除非出现转机。 - 雅歌, 2019-01-11
- 谢谢老师!老师周末愉快! - 天涯逍遥, 2019-01-11
- 谢谢老师提醒! - 灰牛, 2019-01-14
- 最好先卖出部分!联邦政府关闭的问题,到了下周开始会主导股市!没关闭增加一日,股市就要下跌,除非出现转机。 - 雅歌, 2019-01-11
- 老师,AKS,BABA,JCP 继续拿着吗? - 天涯逍遥, 2019-01-11
- AMD 20.3元也最好先卖了! - 雅歌, 2019-01-11
- Thank you teacher - Liuzhonghe, 2019-01-11
- AMD 19-19.5元可以买进,目标是20.5-21.35元。 - 雅歌, 2019-01-11
- D - 天地行者, 2019-01-15
- +1 Safa - sva2017, 2019-01-10