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Top Trump trade official Clete Willems to leave the White House in weeks, as China talks continue, sources say PUBLISHED 9 MINS AGO UPDATED 1 MIN AGO (谈股论金)  467次阅读

作者: 唐歌 @, 发表于: 2019-03-22 (2015天前) @ 唐歌


Clete Willems, the deputy director of the National Economic Council, has served as the lead trade negotiator for the U.S. at multilateral summits like the G-7and G-20, among others.
He has also represented the NEC in China negotiations in Beijing in the place of Larry Kudlow, who has avoided international travel in recent months for health reasons.
His departure is expected to take place as talks with China linger into April, though the people familiar with his plans cite the wear of frequent travel on his young and growing family as the main reason for his exit.


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