Thoughts on a summer day (原创天地) 6149次阅读
观看【金二】的博客Thoughts on a summer day
By Q. Li
Live to be the best
or die to become the scariest
I can't help but getting stuck at the fact that
Xiang Yu chose to die rather than
crossing the Yangtze river eastward to survive
(雨斤 译)
- Thoughts on a summer day - 金二, 2019-03-29
- 不肯过江东! - 眉子, 2019-03-29
- 谢谢版主。 - 金二, 2019-04-15
- 看得出是细细斟酌过的:) - 丽桥游子, 2019-03-30
- 哪里哪里。谢谢桥桥! - 金二, 2019-04-15
- 文字连贯又能体现铮铮铁骨!赞!! - 修理小子, 2019-04-01
- 谢谢酒弟的果酱! - 金二, 2019-04-15
- 不肯过江东! - 眉子, 2019-03-29