Come share the wine (我是歌手) 4846次阅读
The streets were dark and the night was cold and yet I walk alone
I saw the lights of a cozy place with lanterns all aglow
Somebody cried, "Don't wait outside, come say, hello"
The people there, they were singing songs I knew when I was young
And from the jukebox I heard the sounds, I needed to recall
I sang along with every song, I knew them all
Come share the wine
No one is a stranger here, they're your friends and mine
Everyone's your brother, we're a long way from home
And we need each other, have no fear, you're welcome here
Come share the wine
It's so nice and warm in here, we're happy and kind
We can understand that you're a long way from home
But we have each other, have no fear, you'll like it here
It's not so easy to feel at home when home's so far away
When all the longing and all the wanting is for yesterday
You've made me find some peace of mind I'd like to stay
The world seems colder when you're a stranger from a foreign land
You need to feel that someone cares and that they understand
Many a tear would disappear if we joined hands
Come share the wine
No one is a stranger here, they're your friends and mine
Everyone's your brother, we're a long way from home
And we need each other, have no fear, you're welcome here
Come share the wine
It's so nice and warm in here, we're happy and kind
We can understand that you're a long way from home
But we have each other, have no fear, you'll like it here
- Come share the wine - 高歌低吟, 2014-11-30
- Cheers! - 乐乐, 2014-11-30
- 这首歌歌词真好!No one is a stranger here, indeed! - 乐乐, 2014-11-30
- 天哪,终于又听到高歌栗米了。 把你们的库存多多发来吧。 好想念你们一起的歌声。 最高级的黄金搭档啊:) - 丽桥游子, 2014-12-01
- 这个好温馨的感觉,在BAR里慢慢摇摆舞动的浪漫:) 和栗米真是黄金搭档啊。 - 北宇, 2014-12-01
- 优美的旋律 棒棒的演绎 欣赏啦 - 侠客, 2014-12-01
- 高歌的歌好像葡萄酒的香醇,回味无穷。粟米的和音很给力! - 一根葱, 2014-12-01
- 特别喜欢这波尔卡的旋律,高歌唱的非常轻松动听,粟米的和声很和谐。赞! - 如苏, 2014-12-01
- 也喜欢这首的歌词和旋律,温馨欢快。老乡歌声美妙,鲜花掌声送上! - 眉子, 2014-12-01
- 1?你两年前就唱的这个风格了啊。。怎么记得你以前都是纯通俗的呢??你和小米的声音都特磁,好听,这首歌有点节日的气氛呢。。鼓掌 - 小鱼儿, 2014-12-01
- Let's get in and share the wine:))) cool!!! 大赞!! - 维歌, 2014-12-01
- 超喜欢这种风格的歌!!高歌歌声华贵迷人,让人沉醉~~~ 最难得的是又听到栗米的歌声了~~~ 真的好想她~~~ 搞的金砖都没地儿送了:(( - octorber, 2014-12-01
- 你跟栗米合作好多首,可记不起这首了,当原唱听:)你这位老搭档要你出面去请了。 - 春之歌, 2014-12-01
- 欣赏过很多高歌和栗米的合唱,这首好像是第一次听,非常和谐动听,当原唱听!希望听到你们更多的合作~~ - 风华, 2014-12-01
- 高歌的英文歌一绝,很少人唱得这么好听和地道,印象中 - 老地雷, 2014-12-02
- 高歌这味道绝了。波尔卡在哪,是不是喝酒免费。哈哈 - 木嫩蜀, 2014-12-02
- 高歌这杯酒真浓烈啊,热情四射,栗米好久不见了,声音很亲切,但客串的很少啊,呵呵:)高歌唱得一如既往的棒!这首的英文发音咬字还可以再松一点:)) - 玉兰花开, 2014-12-02
- 葡萄酒我不喝,高高和粟米这歌声比酒还醉人嘛!唱得好正的英文味儿啊!热烈鼓掌! - 剑剑风流, 2014-12-03
- 来了来了, 虽然俺不喝wine, 但你们的歌声太吸引人了! :) - 白色小卵石, 2014-12-03
- 哇塞,好帅的英文歌!高歌的歌声自不用说的高超,栗米演绎也一样好听!真的醉了!陶醉着下载听! - 修理小子, 2014-12-03
- 帅气,英气,非常醉人。。 - 点滴, 2014-12-04
- 好歌,好声音 - 牛阳, 2014-12-05
- Cheers! - 乐乐, 2014-11-30