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Credit Suisse AG announced its intent to delist and suspend further issuance of the VelocityShares 3x Inverse Crude Oil ETN (DWTI) and the VelocityShares 3x Long Crude Oil ETN (UWTI) effective December 8, 2016, becoming the largest closure in history. However, the exchange-traded notes will not be called, redeemed, or liquidated. Therefore, it is imperative that owners of DWTI or UWTI sell their holdings by December 8 to avoid trying to do so in the extremely illiquid over-the-counter market. http://investwithanedge.com/danger-credit-suisse-to-delist-velocityshares-etns-without-liquidation (谈股论金)  3147次阅读

作者: sfcaguy @, 发表于: 2016-11-24 (2730天前)


Credit Suisse AG announced its intent to delist and suspend further issuance of the VelocityShares 3x Inverse Crude Oil ETN (DWTI) and the VelocityShares 3x Long Crude Oil ETN (UWTI) effective December 8, 2016, becoming the largest closure in history.
However, the exchange-traded notes will not be called, redeemed, or liquidated. Therefore, it is imperative that owners of DWTI or UWTI sell their holdings by December 8 to avoid trying to do so in the extremely illiquid over-the-counter market.



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