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9/14/2016 金,气,油和所有相关3X的ETF讨论区。 警告:3倍ETF是高风险的股票炒作,炒作者最好自行斟酌是否合适!EIA 的STEO和评论在内! (谈股论金)  4251次阅读

作者: 雅歌 @, 发表于: 2016-09-14 (2793天前)


EIA9/14日 的报告:


U.S. crude oil production averaged 9.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2015. Production is forecast to average 8.8 million b/d in 2016 and 8.5 million b/d in 2017. Production levels in 2017 for this forecast are 0.2 million b/d higher than in the August STEO. The upward revisions to production largely reflect an assumption of higher drilling activity, rig efficiency, and well-level productivity than assumed in previous forecasts.

两个月前,STEO报告是说2016年平均产量在8.6M, 所以俺说,要达到这个平均值,年底的几个月,平均日产量要减至8.2-8.3M。 今天的EIA周报是8.495M(8.5M), 若是如STEO所预测的平均8.8M正确, 这表示未来到年底是不会继续减产。不但如此,还会从8.5M增产到8.65-8.7M之间!大约会增产10万-15万桶!

Natural gas working inventories were 3,401 billion cubic feet (Bcf) on August 26. This level is 8% higher than last year during the same week, and 11% higher than the previous five-year (2011-15) average for that week. EIA projects that natural gas inventories will be 4,042 Bcf at the end of October 2016, which would be the highest end-of-October level on record.

俺觉得STEO还是维持 4,042 Bcf 的预测,不知是凭什么!难道EIA知道一些隐秘?以最近四个月的增幅来看,显然存在相当大的隐性消耗/需求,累积大约相当于300BCF不见了!若这隐性的需求量真的存在,10/31日绝对到不了4000BCF。 这数学是很简单的,现在到10/31日只有7周,而4042-3401=641BCF。 这表示每周平均要641/7=91.57BCF!

明天的报告市场预估36BCF! 这表示剩下的6周要到101BCF! 这按已知的天气预报和过去的参考数据是不可能的!



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