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if you only made a small mistake, there is a way to manage it. For instance, if you buy(long) something too soon because whatever reason, buy it with small position and later when it drop, buy another small position. If you make two mistakes at the same time, say, buy something too soon with very large position, you can not manage it the way I said. How do I know it is too soon? For me, it is too soon if there is no trend reversal signal, or, there is no break-up signal. (谈股论金)  299次阅读

作者: 伍点墨 @, 发表于: 2018-01-08 (2450天前) @ 新东
编辑: 伍点墨, 时间: 星期一, 一月 08, 2018, 10:28


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