I always, always, and always report any incident to my insurer, no matter how small it is. Why? Because I don't want to worry it, now or later. Peace of mind is more important. (谈股论金) 292次阅读
观看【伍点墨】的博客- 没有文字 -
- 1/8/2018 聊天室。可以任意发表评论,建议OK - 提交和聊天。也可以在这里提出关于股票的问题,为了方便大家容易集焦在当天股市的交易,其中重要的股票操作建议,会转到上面置顶区里。 - 新东, 2018-01-07
- 有同学在微信里说水太深,找不到老师的分析。大家“谢谢”之类的发言,请去每日的聊天室说,这样,水会浅一点。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-04
- As of January 2, the open interest on natural gas contracts traded on the NYMEX decreased by -66,476 contracts to 1,422,917 compared to last week which is above the 1-year average of 1,372,857. Natural gas investors remain optimistic about the commodity's prospects as the total number of long contracts outnumber short contracts by 5,208 with 50% of total contracts being long. Moreover, compared to last week, the percentage of long contracts has increased suggesting that investors are increasingly confident in continued strength in the sector. - wjlc8, 2018-01-05
- Thanks! - 望闻问切, 2018-01-08
- 今天我来坐沙发,大家早上好! - MagicBubble, 2018-01-08
- 老师好!东东好!大家好! - 芳草茵茵, 2018-01-08
- 大家早上好! - cat, 2018-01-08
- 大家早上好 - Peaceful, 2018-01-08
- 大家早! - 顺其自然, 2018-01-08
- 早上好,老师好,童鞋好。 - 卫嘴子, 2018-01-08
- 早上好。 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- 大家早上早 - iceman, 2018-01-08
- Good morning! - Rosemary, 2018-01-08
- 大家早上好,新的一周又开始啦,愿大家多多赚钱! - 升腾, 2018-01-08
- 大家好 - frankzhu, 2018-01-08
- morning - jyac, 2018-01-08
- The first thing is to make some golden coins here. When a stock or ETF is droping, you need to understand why if you want to buy or sell. There is a reason that people dislike that stock/ETF. Something cheap does not mean it is a good buy/sell. If you don't know, not a problem, simply let the price tell you where it goes. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 完全同意 - soul2017, 2018-01-08
- Thanks - Rosemary, 2018-01-08
- +1 - 物极必反, 2018-01-08
- VERY GOOD COMMENTS! - 望闻问切, 2018-01-08
- TA is a tool. Don't blame tools for you loss. It is you who put the button of buy or sell. If you don't take the responsibility of loss, you may not have a chance to win. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- +1! - 望闻问切, 2018-01-08
- 哪位大侠可以给些金币?谢谢 - Mover, 2018-01-08
- Keep talking, you will get it soon. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 好吧,灌水 - Mover, 2018-01-08
- 看来每天得灌水5次:) - SunnyDay, 2018-01-08
- 对啊 - Mover, 2018-01-08
- Heavily agree! - 望闻问切, 2018-01-08
- 不想多发贴主要是不想没有营养的贴影响别人看贴 - Mover, 2018-01-08
- If you make somebody happy for a moment by saying THANKS, it is worth to do so. As simple as that. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 很谢谢老师的每日早评,也很高兴论坛越来越有活力;不过每日早评5点有些吃不消,不知能不能改为2~3点呢? - 欧比王, 2018-01-08
- it is bid price, - jc23, 2018-01-08
- Keep talking, you will get it soon. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- JD is till on the track. It does not matter I was right or wrong. I am here to trade for gains. If a TA does not help me to make a good trade, it is useless. By the way, I still hold JD in my long term investment. I set a sell order at $48.75 because I think that is the money I would make. Let somebody else to take it up or down. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢 - 卫嘴子, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢分亨。可惜我上次没有把JD买回来。 - SunnyDay, 2018-01-08
- There are many other opportunities. You will make money, a lot. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- It's a pity I didn't buy it but will keep an eye on JD - cat13cat, 2018-01-08
- 谢伍老师。我也有JD,你是认为49附近是一阻力线吗? - 小学生, 2018-01-08
- that is the previous high. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 我在JD上也是赚了一点小钱, 判断也是对的, 但是就是犹豫在突破的时候没买回, 现在也不想追 - 物极必反, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢伍班的指导。俺也设个目标价。 - 顺其自然, 2018-01-08
- Giving someone golden coin is to promote a positive intention to participate here. If that motive fails, why giving away my hard-made golden coins? Think about this, my friends. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 我曾经遭遇过一次严重的车祸,说严重,是因为我的车侧翻几次撞到路边的高杆灯杆上,车彻底报废,我只是受了一点刮擦的小伤,连轻伤都算不上。当时警察太忙,当晚大雪事故太多,就问我能不能自己回到驻地,我当时认为肯定有BUS,就说没问题。但是,后来发现太晚了没有BUS,也叫不到出租车。当时是零下20多摄氏度,旁边一个开皮卡的司机,帮我叫出粗车没叫到,就开车送我回去,大概三十公里路程,往返六十公里,我到住的地方,想着一定给他钱酬谢。他说不要钱,give back to others. 当然不是每个人都要以这种方式学习人生。但是,发个帖子真的很费力吗? - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 感谢伍班的奉献,雅歌,新东长期为咱们提供信息和指导,难道每天来发个帖赚金币就这么难吗? - 淡淡的天空, 2018-01-08
- - ttjj, 2018-01-08
- 感谢分享。很受启发。奇怪,前面写的评论没有显示 - ttjj, 2018-01-08
- 感人故事,谢谢分享 - 天地行者, 2018-01-08
- Thanks for sharing the good moments. - wjlc8, 2018-01-08
- 伍班命大!也许那次事故升华了伍班对人生对股市的思考。 - MagicBubble, 2018-01-08
- everything happens for a reason even though we don't know it. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢伍班长的分享。我现在也尽量发些或转发有质量的贴,向班长和新东学习 - cat13cat, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢伍班长 - 寸草心, 2018-01-08
- 你是遇到好人了。我也分享一个故事。前两天去朋友家,赶上下雪路滑,车已经煞住,但因为是下坡,车轮仍然向前滑动,轻轻的碰了一下前面的车,连点碰撞痕迹都没有,仍然掏钱才了事,没报保险。 - 兔子, 2018-01-08
- I always, always, and always report any incident to my insurer, no matter how small it is. Why? Because I don't want to worry it, now or later. Peace of mind is more important. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 同意。 - SunnyDay, 2018-01-08
- 如果不是雪胎的话换成雪胎关键时一定会起作用! - stone, 2018-01-08
- I always, always, and always report any incident to my insurer, no matter how small it is. Why? Because I don't want to worry it, now or later. Peace of mind is more important. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 伍班长应该应验古话大难XX,必有后福 - 平静, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢分享感人的故事,伍班命大,必有后福! - DayDayUp, 2018-01-08
- 感人故事,谢谢分享! - onroad925, 2018-01-08
- 谢伍班的分享! - 立秋, 2018-01-08
- 好故事,很感人! - 金油气, 2018-01-09
- Very touching story. - like2swing, 2018-01-09
- 不能忍受DWT巨幅波动的同学,short 空 XLE,或者其他个股,是个不错的方案。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- CLR is one of those candidates to short. The Master had given instructions. It sideways four days now at the top. Good chance to go down. Set your stop loss order first. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- I have set order to short sell CLR and WLL - cat13cat, 2018-01-08
- 从来没有空过股票。看来值得去研究一下。伍班,有没有什么介绍的好文章推荐?谢谢你! - SunnyDay, 2018-01-08
- xle还在继续上涨,掌握入点好难。 - 股往金来, 2018-01-08
- CLR is one of those candidates to short. The Master had given instructions. It sideways four days now at the top. Good chance to go down. Set your stop loss order first. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- MOMO, above $28 now, on track. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 推荐一个股票TAL,国内做课外班的(例如学而思)。 - 雾非雾, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢推荐,希望它能降到30。 - 顺其自然, 2018-01-08
- 谢谢推荐 - stone, 2018-01-08
- Very Nice! Hope it to be above 30 soon. - wjlc8, 2018-01-08
- Thank You!! - jc23, 2018-01-08
- MOMO,我还想找机会空。周三,28.75左右,29以下。大家别跟我,我跑得快,不论赔赚。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 推荐一个股票TAL,国内做课外班的(例如学而思)。 - 雾非雾, 2018-01-08
- LaoShi, What your opinion on FNMA and FMCC? It decreases the values greatly in a few days? - 嵩山, 2018-01-08
- if you only made a small mistake, there is a way to manage it. For instance, if you buy(long) something too soon because whatever reason, buy it with small position and later when it drop, buy another small position. If you make two mistakes at the same time, say, buy something too soon with very large position, you can not manage it the way I said. How do I know it is too soon? For me, it is too soon if there is no trend reversal signal, or, there is no break-up signal. - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- GRPO栽大发了。还好没有position。要是有空就好了。 - 卫嘴子, 2018-01-08
- 老师,CELG和BIIB可以买吗? - SunnyDay, 2018-01-08
- 俺觉得暂时不要买,应该还会下跌。BIIB今天下跌那么多(-4%+),这板块可能会继续下跌。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-08
- CELG 刚收购了一个小公司。可能是下跌的原因 - Mover, 2018-01-08
- 谢老师,谢mover。老师上次提到XBI是专注于小的医药公司。有没有什么好的专注于大的医药公司的ETF?BBH怎么样? - SunnyDay, 2018-01-08
- IBB - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- 俺觉得暂时不要买,应该还会下跌。BIIB今天下跌那么多(-4%+),这板块可能会继续下跌。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-08
- IBM今天可以做空,在163.2-163.6元做空,停损+1%。目标是152-154元。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-08
- Thanks !!! - jc23, 2018-01-08
- 老师能给点为什么在这个点位做空的大致分析吗?应该很快有IBM季报。 - 灰牛, 2018-01-08
- WLL可以做空,目前在27.8元附近。3周内的目标是25-25.6元。 - 雅歌, 2018-01-08
- Any opinion about CCL Industries? - skyxu, 2018-01-08
- 今早@27.2做空了 - cat13cat, 2018-01-08
- 虽然在潜水中, 但有老师分析,心里一点不慌。打算设29止损 - cat13cat, 2018-01-08
- did you stop out? - actinia, 2018-01-09
- 虽然在潜水中, 但有老师分析,心里一点不慌。打算设29止损 - cat13cat, 2018-01-08
- 老师,VIPS 可以空吗?谢谢。 - HJF-slzw, 2018-01-08
- 再次请教老师,nature medical inc:BABY可以买吗?今日跌了$6, RSI只有15.08. - HJF-slzw, 2018-01-08
- wll increase a lot but the WTI did only a little - actinia, 2018-01-09
- U气跌,U油涨。野猪队,在疗伤。伍班副,灌鸡汤。东班长,信息广。惜汤姆,退市慌。叹丽丽,暗神伤。逍遥君,未慌张。矫海鸟,定方向。俏枫妹,有主张。在下我,自彷徨。无金币,码字忙。 - 悠游油友, 2018-01-08
- 大赞 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- +1 - 大笨蛋, 2018-01-08
- 笑死我了,有才。 - 雾非雾, 2018-01-08
- +1! - greatlake6, 2018-01-08
- 太有才了,码字赚金币+1 - 升腾, 2018-01-08
- 这个一定要顶 - thunderbird, 2018-01-08
- 有才! - 碧空星海, 2018-01-08
- 哈哈,笑的肚痛。 - 天狼星, 2018-01-08
- +1. - HJF-slzw, 2018-01-08
- stunningly fantabulous! - wjlc8, 2018-01-08
- 有才啊 - smart, 2018-01-08
- 太有才了,码字赚金币+2 - 慢慢地稳定地, 2018-01-08
- 哈哈哈 - 股往金来, 2018-01-08
- 太有才了!大赞! - 立秋, 2018-01-08
- 码这么多字也是一个金币,不 fair。 - 卫嘴子, 2018-01-08
- 对 这种原创且高质量的应该有额外奖励 - smart, 2018-01-08
- 哈哈, 油友太有才了。 - Rio2016, 2018-01-08
- 哈哈 - 金油气, 2018-01-09
- 有才! - 新生2018, 2018-01-09
- 大赞 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- Cat 因为大摩升级其目标价至$200而大涨。我会择机加码. - 天狼星, 2018-01-08
- 因为升级涨的建议别跟风,过两天没其它利好可能跌下来。 - 雾非雾, 2018-01-08
- 多谢提醒!我还是比较看好该股,感觉每次Trump政府提出基建,都会刺激华尔街骚动的神经。 - 天狼星, 2018-01-08
- 因为升级涨的建议别跟风,过两天没其它利好可能跌下来。 - 雾非雾, 2018-01-08
- 今天挣了26个金币,送给第一个跟本贴的人,无论你多么富有,我都送给你。 - 伍点墨, 2018-01-08
- me - 雾非雾, 2018-01-08
- 可惜晚了 - 小迪, 2018-01-08
- 不晚,发言就可以赚金币了 - Dandelion, 2018-01-08
- 1/8: 更新,目前是实验性质,欢迎反馈 - caap2008, 2018-01-08
- 俺在这里赚金币。不影响大家。呵呵。 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- 大家晚上好。 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- +1 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- +2 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- 不好意思。金币够用就行了。 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- 好主意,哈哈 - Dandelion, 2018-01-08
- 不好意思。金币够用就行了。 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- +2 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- +1 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08
- 赚硬币的好办法!我以后跟这里,也不影响大家! - 金油气, 2018-01-09
- +1 - iceman, 2018-01-10
- +2,老師的報告漲5倍,快買不起了... - iceman, 2018-01-10
- 大家晚上好。 - 肖笑笑, 2018-01-08